How to add visitor’s browser as class to the body in wordpress

Hello developers!!

Today I am going to show you how to add visitors browser name as class to the body.

This is very helpful to developers for similar browser issues.

So, here is a function for this. This function detects a visitor’s browser and adds its name to the body_class.

You must to have body_class in your file.

Please refer below function :


function detect_visitors_browser_body_class($classes) {
	global $is_lynx, $is_gecko, $is_IE, $is_opera, $is_NS4, $is_safari, $is_chrome, $is_iphone;
	if($is_lynx) $classes[]       = 'lynx';
	elseif($is_gecko) $classes[]  = 'gecko';
	elseif($is_opera) $classes[]  = 'opera';
	elseif($is_safari) $classes[] = 'safari';
	elseif($is_chrome) $classes[] = 'chrome';
	elseif($is_IE) $classes[]     = 'ie';
	else $classes[]               = 'other';
	if($is_iphone) $classes[]     = 'iphone';
	return $classes;

After added this function you can show visitor’s browser name in body class like below screenshot.

Thank You 🙂

Stay connected for upcoming blog!!

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